Student Work

A selection of student work produced during classes taught by the film's producers, and featured as excerpts in "Nurture with Nature, A Story of Ecotherapy".

  • William & Mary Reveley Fellowship courses (Spring 2018 and ‘19): ENSP 440/FMST 351: “Communicating Ecotherapy Science Through Documentary”

  • FMST 372 Fall 2017 “Creative Video Workshop”

Projections, Sarah Ruiz (2018)


Immersive Nature, Drew Darby (2018)


Ambience One, Jay Warrior (2018)


Listen, Sarah Ruiz & Tom Roche (2018)


Hollow, Tom Roche (2018)


Return, Dana Florczak (2018)


Sleeping in the Forest, Anna Chahuneau (2018)


Visual Ecotherapy, Stacia Phalen & Claire Seaton (2018)


Slow Down, Samantha Strausser (2019)


Spiritus Naturae, Claire Seaton (2018


Kids in Nature, Marcus Fussell & Talia Schmitt (2018)


A Natural Sanctuary, Talia Schmitt (2018)
